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Dimensione file: 51.6 kB 2014 FEDERAL UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND
ULTRANET USA TELECOM, CORP. (“ULTRANET) must determine whether it has an obligation to remit to the Federal Universal Service Fund (“FUSF”), which is administered to the Universal Service Administrative Company (“USAC”), and other applicable regulatory funds (collectively “FUSF pass-through”) for the revenue ULTRANET receives from you (“Customer”) for the telecommunications and/or interconnected voip services provided by ULTRANET (“Services”) to you.
Dimensione file: 124 kB
Dimensione file: 51.6 kB 2014 FEDERAL UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND
ULTRANET USA TELECOM, CORP. (“ULTRANET) must determine whether it has an obligation to remit to the Federal Universal Service Fund (“FUSF”), which is administered to the Universal Service Administrative Company (“USAC”), and other applicable regulatory funds (collectively “FUSF pass-through”) for the revenue ULTRANET receives from you (“Customer”) for the telecommunications and/or interconnected voip services provided by ULTRANET (“Services”) to you.
Dimensione file: 124 kB